Gulf Stream Magazine

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

What we publish

We publish fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, book reviews & visual art. We are a biannual online publication.

We love a wide range of genres and styles, especially writing that is innovative in form and progressive in content. We're currently working on firming up our themes for issues 35 and 36, which we'll announce here and on our socials soon, but we welcome all submissions as long as they're honest and authentic. More than any theme, we're looking for your best work. Work must be original and previously unpublished. 

Not sure if your work is suited to our magazine? Find out what we like by reading our current issue

We acknowledge that literary spaces traditionally have centered the white, heterosexual, cisgender male experience at the expense of other voices. We want to break from that tradition and are therefore especially interested in reading work from those who are often marginalized in literary spaces, including Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC); all women, including but not limited to, trans and cis women; LGBTQIA+ people; agender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people; people with disabilities; and people who live at the intersections of identities.


Fiction: 5,000 words

Creative Nonfiction: 5,000 words

Poetry: 3 poems per submission

Book Reviews: 5,000 words and books must have been published within the past year

How to submit

Please submit your work through submittable.

No submissions through email or mail unless you have an invite to do so from the editors. (For example, prisoners may request to do this.)

Include a bio of up to fifty words along with your cover letter.

We do our very best to respond within 6 months, but due to the volume of submissions, it can sometimes take longer. 


-Reading fee of $3. (For a fee waiver, reach out to the editors).

-International submissions are welcomed, but English only this year.

-Multiple submissions are welcome at $3 per submission, but please, no more than one submission per genre at a time.

-Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you notify us if it’s accepted elsewhere.

-No submissions from current FIU students.

-Submissions accepted from FIU alums two or more years after graduation.

Copyright Info

We hold first serial rights for the material we publish, with the copyright reverting back to the author upon publication.

Reviews & interviews

No unsolicited submissions or requests, please.


Gulf Stream Magazine